Stuck? 5 things to try:

Ideas for when you when can’t step away from your problem

© marc johns serious drawings

Illustrator Marc Johns likes to go for a walk or do dishes to relax his mind, but when that’s not possible and he needs to push through a creative block, he tries one of five things:

  1. Instead of coming up with one solution, come up with 20.
  2. Shorten your deadline to 10 minutes from now.
  3. Put away all digital devices.
  4. Use different materials, like chalk, crayon, paper and pen. (if you type, write longhand; or vice-versa)
  5. Pretend you are a pastry chef or a pilot or a hot dog vendor (you get the idea). How do these people look at the world?

Source: Breakthrough! 90 proven strategies to overcome creative block & spark your imagination, Alex Cornell, editor.